Παρασκευή 19 Απριλίου 2024

What are the concrete objectives you would like to achieve and 'outcomes or results you would like to realise'? How are these objectives linked to the priorities you have selected?

Learning how to live sustainably is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Thus, the key concepts of this project are to 
a) enhance awareness, b) create real-world learning scenarios in and outside of the school, c) expose students to working together with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and learning abilities, and d) use modern technology in a meaningful way to achieve the above-mentioned objectives.
The project's main priorities are: 1) to create educational scenarios focused on outside learning (i.e. Environmental Education, Sciences), 2) to adopt good habits and practices applied by the schools from different geomorphological environments, and 3) to transfer the acquired knowledge and experiences to a project website. The website will contain information about each country’s biodiversity, ready worksheets and digital material for teachers to use, and a repository for all the material created in the project. In other words, the aim of the project is to explore differences in biodiversity, environment, and climate (outside learning), and seek meaningful and useful ways of using digital tools in learning all while taking into account different kinds of learners and their respective needs and abilities (integration and inclusion). On a larger scale, we aim to trigger a sustainable lifestyle change.
We will work within a collaborative and experiential framework. Goals for students:
1. Increase familiarity with each country’s biodiversity.
2. Create awareness about climate change.
3. Make small lifestyle changes by combining technology and outside learning and being in contact with nature.
4. Increase digital awareness and use of digital media to produce educational and educational entertainment material.
5. Learn how to cooperate and participate in transnational groups and acquaint students with the multiculturalism of Europe.
6. Facilitate acceptance of diversity to achieve common goals.
Goals for teachers:
1. Improve and integrate good practices regarding biodiversity, the environment, and sustainability.
2. Forward gained knowledge and information to other teachers in the school district.
3. Produce useful material to other European teachers (other than the participating schools' teachers).
4. Learn how to use European online platforms to improve and modernize educational processes and present them on dissemination days.
5. Distribute the produced material on a project website, which will include e.g. information about biodiversity, ready worksheets, and digital material for teachers to use and it will act as a repository for all the material created and collected in the project.
6. Introduce the European platform Gynzy.
Goals for communities:
1. Educate and inform the local communities about sustainability and climate change with the help of “the 3Rs” (reduce, reuse, recycle).
2. Help students’ families to adopt good ecological habits and make small but powerful changes in their lifestyles

Πέμπτη 4 Αυγούστου 2022



Zacharias Papantoniou tells the story of a group of 26 children who, when they finish the last grade of the Greek school, decide (with the permission of their parents) to go on vacation alone for about two months in the mountains of Evrytania. There, amidst the beauties of nature, learning the stories of the people they meet, they build a community that celebrates team spirit, solidarity, and mutual respect, they learn to overcome life's difficulties through cooperation and respect for each other, always with humor.
There the children take an example from other villages in the area and decide to divide the jobs and organize themselves in their own community, thus making their own "village". With the instructions of Mr. Stefanos, who had taken it upon himself to look after them, and the material help from the other villages, they managed to survive, overcome every difficulty, and also protect the forest. This is how they learn about the beautiful but difficult life of shepherds. They learn the importance of teamwork and cooperation. The children become friends with Afrodo and learn letters from Lambros, her brother, who lives in the neighboring village. After this experience, they are stronger and more mature than before.
It is the first school reading book written in the vernacular. It is one of the few books with such a beautiful narrative and, when you read it, it is like living it. It has a very nice premise and indirectly conveys important messages to children, such as respect for nature, and the importance of cooperation and teamwork. It also talks about the organization of a community and the division of tasks so that there is harmony, coexistence, and proper functioning. So it also prepares children for their integration into society. For these messages it conveys and the way it presents the case and its development, it is believed to be a pleasant book and worth reading for all children.
Ο Ζαχαρίας Παπαντωνίου αφηγείται την ιστορία μιας ομάδας 26 παιδιών που όταν τελειώνουν την τελευταία τάξη του ελληνικού σχολείου αποφασίζουν (με την άδεια των γονιών τους) να κάνουν μόνα τους διακοπές για περίπου δύο μήνες στα βουνά της Ευρυτανίας. Εκεί, μέσα στις ομορφιές της φύσης, μαθαίνοντας τις ιστορίες των ανθρώπων που συναντούν, φτιάχνουν μια κοινότητα που εξυμνεί το ομαδικό πνεύμα, την αλληλεγγύη και τον αλληλοσεβασμό, μαθαίνουν να ξεπερνούν στις δυσκολίες της ζωής μέσω της συνεργασίας και της εκτίμησης απέναντι στον άλλο, πάντα με χιούμορ.
Εκεί  τα παιδιά παίρνουν παράδειγμα από άλλα χωριά της περιοχής και αποφασίζουν να χωρίσουν τις δουλειές και να οργανωθούν σε μια δικιά τους κοινότητα, φτιάχνοντας έτσι ένα δικό τους «χωριό». Με τις οδηγίες του κυρ Στέφανου, που είχε αναλάβει να τους προσέχει, και την υλική βοήθεια από τα άλλα χωριά, καταφέρνουν να επιβιώσουν, να ξεπεράσουν κάθε δυσκολία, αλλά και να προστατέψουν το δάσος. Έτσι μαθαίνουν την όμορφη αλλά δύσκολη ζωή των βοσκών. Μαθαίνουν την σημασία της ομαδικότητας και της συνεργασίας. Τα παιδιά γίνονται φίλοι με την Αφρόδω και μαθαίνουν γράμματα στον Λάμπρο, τον αδερφό της, που μένουν στο διπλανό χωριό. Μετά από αυτήν την εμπειρία τους, είναι πιο δυνατοί και ώριμοι από πριν .
Είναι το πρώτο σχολικό αναγνωστικό βιβλίο που γράφτηκε στην δημοτική γλώσσα. Είναι ένα από τα λίγα βιβλία με τόσο ωραία αφήγηση και, όταν το διαβάζεις, είναι σαν να το ζεις. Έχει πολύ ωραία υπόθεση και με έμμεσο τρόπο μεταδίδει στα παιδιά σημαντικά μηνύματα, όπως τον σεβασμό στη φύση, τη σημαντικότητα της συνεργασίας και της ομαδικότητας. Μιλάει ακόμα για την οργάνωση μιας κοινότητας και το μοίρασμα των εργασιών,  ώστε να υπάρχει  αρμονία, συνύπαρξη και σωστή λειτουργία. Άρα προετοιμάζει τα παιδιά και για την ένταξή τους στην κοινωνία. Για αυτά τα μηνύματα που περνάει και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο παρουσιάζει την υπόθεση και την εξέλιξή της, πιστεύεται πως είναι ένα ευχάριστο βιβλίο και αξίζει να το διαβάσουν όλα τα παιδιά. 

  • In the book, The High Mountains by Zacharias Papantoniou, we will see how a group of 12year-old children survived alone on a mountain. What was it that helped them create a community and how much did the diversity of each child contribute to this?

  • Μέσα από το βιβλίο τα ψηλά βουνά του Ζαχαρία Παπαντωνίου θα δούμε πώς μια παρέα 12 χρονων παιδιών επιβίωσαν μόνα τους σε ένα βουνό.Τι ήταν αυτό που τους βοήθησε να δημιουργήσουν μια κοινότητα και πόσο συνέβαλε σε αυτό η διαφορετικότητα του κάθε παιδιού;

ΤΑ ΨΗΛΑ ΒΟΥΝΑ του Ζαχαρία Παπαντωνίου

What are the concrete objectives you would like to achieve and 'outcomes or results you would like to realise'? How are these objectives linked to the priorities you have selected?

Learning how to live sustainably is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Thus, the key concepts of this project are to  a) enh...
